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Hobos & Moonshine...

...began a few years ago with a single Hobo necklace:  something an itinerant tradesman of the 1930s might've made, as he traveled the rails from one town to another, in search of work.  Something to keep his hands and mind busy, distracted from the home he left behind...

a found-object aesthetic made up of antiques and other historic elements. 

After that came other pieces:  the Kingman rings, the Bonnie & Clyde bags, the Southern Gothic necklaces in the month of October, the Sleigh Bells Ring necklaces in the month of December, the Hobo Promise rings... 

Each piece was handmade in an East Dallas workshop from reclaimed history.

Now, Hobos & Moonshine is a silversmith workshop, where self-taught metalworking skills were most recently elevated by one-on-one training with a Navajo master silversmith, in Gallup, New Mexico.  Each ring, pendant & cuff is handmade by Ronson with traditional methods, using vintage hand tools, as well as stamps made by six generations of Navajo toolmakers.




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